Sunday, August 21, 2011

In the small village of Todtnau, Germany.....

....where there is this giant mountain slide over 1.8 miles long.  There is also this unique church.

We thought of our good neighbor, Sis. Jones....

....when we saw this as she always puts out a big Christmas village during the holiday season.  We wish we could bring it back with us, but our suitcases will be stuffed as it is.

In one of the Cukcoo clock stores.... find lots of carvings including all types of European houses.

Here kids are strapped to bungee cords....

.....and jump on a trampoline as high as then can.

Lake Titisee, Germany and lots of things to do....

....they have some rides as well as boats to take out on the lake.

In Titisee, Germany......

.....eating my $5.00 lunch and enjoying it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

This is the Chateau de la Batiaz..... is more of a fortress than a castle, protecting the highway into the town.  It was built in the first half of the 13 century and occupied a strategic location above the town.

There were several of these catapults... this fortress.  They could throw rocks weighing over 200 lbs at invading enemies.  Their accuracy wasn't very good though, but they could throw up to 10 rocks per hour.

From the top you can.....

....see miles down the canyon.

From the top of this fortress... can see the many vineyards in the area.

The grapes ....close up.....

.....they are not ripe yet....still tart.  I had to try them.

The body....

....along with torture tools.  Must have been a fun place to work??

In the bottom of the Chateau de la Batiaz......

.....lies one of the enemy fighters who was tortured to death.  (so the story goes)

A street vendor applying his trade... Berne, Switzerland.  He was juggling 7 balls and making some change.

This is a beautiful Clock Tower in ..... of Berne, Switzerland.  The metalic man at the top has a large hammer in his hand and on the hour he strikes the large bell, while other smaller figures play music and revolve around.  Hundred of people watch and take pictures every hour.  My Dad/Mom took a 8 mm movie of this in 1955 and I always remembered it.  Now I've seen it for my self.

This is one of the hundreds....

......of statues in and on the outside of this Gothic Cathedral.  It was started to be build in 1421 and actually finished in 1893.  It is Switzerland's tallest (328 ft high) and largest church.

The Berne Cathedral.... beautiful, even at night.

The city of Berne Switzerland.... it's name from it's bears.  (Bern in German mean bear)  They have a big bear pit in town.  Berne is the French spelling of the capital of Switzerland.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bill & Willie Strebel....

....Willie is my second cousin and is a great guy...full of life at 76 years old.

Bill and family.....

.....My Dad's cousin Fanny and my second cousin Willie.

This is my Dad's 1st Cousin - Fanny....

.....She was a favorite of my Dad's and is now 95 years old.

Willie Strebel... of my many Swiss 2nd Cousins living in Switzerland.

August 1st Celebration...

....we celebrated August 1st -Swiss Days up in Schwarzsee.

August 1st Celebration...

....These 3 Alpenhorn players were great.

August 1st Celebration...

....He spoke about immigration and social problems.  He said that the Swiss were doing well.

August 1st Celebration...

....this was the Belgium speaker at Swiss Days in Schwarzsee.

August 1st Celebration...

.....Anita bought this lemon cake for me....yum, yum.

August 1st Celebration....

.....hard boiled eggs are a treat especially with the Swiss flag on them.