Monday, March 28, 2011

Can you guess what this is....??

.....if you said an escalator for your grocery are correct.  
 This is in a Mall here that has three floors.  You can take
your grocrey cart to any floor via this escalator.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A view from the city...

.... the year 1911, a committee was formed to save the city.  For one franc, one
could purchase a house for 99 years.  However, you had to restore it.  Slowly the
city come back to life.  It now has over 1100 residents and gets over 400,000
visitors a year. Several movies have been made here, "The Three Musketeers"
staring Michael York in 1973, is one of them.   Perouges was largely inhabited
by craftsmen by the twelfth century. The population was mainly comprised
of linen weavers and farmers. In perhaps the most notable single act in the
 history of Perouges France, Seigneur d’Anthon closed in the population of
the walled settlement to defend against the troops of the Archbishop of Lyon
 in 1167. This is notable and impressive because it was not 70 years
later that Perouges had earned communal freedom (1236).

Another well with a ......

....fair maiden enjoying her day.

This sun clock was on one of the buildings.... must have been there before Day Light Savings Time, because
it was not 10 O'clock when we took this picture.

There are several wells...

.....which provide water to the city.

Also off the center square is this tree....

....said to be planted in the year 1792.  It has poles to hold up some of the branches.

The main building is this church.....

.....It is just off the city center square.

Two gates afford access to the city.....

.....a high gate and this low gate.  the city was build in the 12th and 13th centuries. 
 Notice the cobble stone roads.

Here is an aerial map of Perouges....

The city is approximately 3/4 square miles in area.

Trip this week visiting the Medieval City of Perouges, France.

Perouges, France is about 1 1/2 hours by car from Geneva, Switzerland.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A place to keep your dog, while you are shopping......

....we shop at a store called Migros.  (you don't pronounce the "s"..Megrow)  Out side the store, there is a place to tie up your dog while you go in and do your shopping.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fribourg Branch of the Church....

.....this was taken 13 Mar 2011 on our way in to Church.

Jo Ann talking to her kids via Skype....

.....if you install a free program on your computer (called Skype) and have a camera
attached to your computer, we can talk and see each other.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our shower and sink.... least it all brand new.

The city of Bulle, Switzerland....

This is our nearest city.  It is about 4 miles away. 
This is where, we do our shopping.

A view from our deck.....

These mountains are called the pre-Alps.

Our comfortable bedroom....

In each room we have a skylight. 

Our narrow bathroom....

Shower on the right, washer/dryer and a clothes drying table.
We also keep our exerciser in here.

The rest of the living area....

We have under 900 sq.ft. of living area.  But enough for the 2 of us.

Inside our apartment....

The kitchen/living area. 

Back of our apartment building....

This is where we park now.  The second floor balcony is 1/2 ours. 
They are putting up partitions and railing now.  There are 8 apartments
in this building and we are the only one in at this time.

Our new apartment in Corbières, Switzerland.....

This is the front of the building, as you can see we are still in a construction mode.  the
parking lot in front, is to be paved this coming week.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A dual purpose parking spot.....

.....parking and a year's supply of firewood.

On the way to the Archives each morning we pass these trees.....

.....they are infested with a parasitic plant that is called (in French) gui - pronounced gee.
In English we call it mistletoe.

One of the fancy pages from a 15th century book I worked on.

This was done by the scribe.....they must have had lots of time on thier hands. 
 Someof these scribes were pretty creative and elaborate.

Here is one of the books that we are to prepare...

Archivists all over the region send their books to this facility
to have them copied and then put on the internet

The end result of our work and others..... to get archive books containing valuable information on the
internet so people can search and use this information.  In the past
people had to visit Archives around the world to get this information.

We are now preparing Land Records for digitizing....

....making sure each page has a number for the camera operator.

Lausanne, Switzerland....

....a beautiful setting for our Mission.

The Archives in Lausanne, Switzerland..... is where we will be working helping preserve records.

Here's one of the apartments we looked at....

.....we decided it was a little to cold for us.  This place is 5 minutes from Urs/Anita and is called
the Ice Palace.

Our first trip to the Bern, Switzerland Temple

Jo Ann on the deck....

A really sunny day on the deck... sunny that Jo Ann has her eyes closed.  Anita is doing some of her business work while taking in the sun.  It was warm (for here) 30 degrees F.

A view from Urs/Anita's deck of the....

....winter wonderland here in Schwarzsee.  There are two hockey areas, and one big oval for ice skaters, and plus paths for walkers, skaters, wind skaters, horse drawn sleighs and lots of room for paragliders to land on.  It is a beautiful area to be in.  Especially with the Buergi Family here.

Arrival at the Geneva, Switzerland Mission home.....

.....after 12 hours on planes, 5 hours in airports and a 8 hour time change.  We had dinner here
with President/Sister Murdock and then a 2 hour drive to Urs/Anita's chalet.

The Sunday before we entered the MTC we had a GREAT farewell dinner..... April and Scott's home in Lehi, Utah.  In attendance:  Bob/Jacky Wood, Rolin/Brian Artist with Beau, Chad, Annjolie, Harlan Wood, Steve/Onni Wood, Imogene Wood and April/Scott with Burgandy and Senja.

Our class of 50+ Missionaries at the MTC headed out to the world.

With over 50 missionaries going to places like, Hungary, Cambodia, New Zealand, French Polynesia, Norway, Georgia, Virginia and of course SWITZERLAND.

MTC Training Dec. 27 through Jan 7, 2011

Here we are at the MTC pointing to Geneva Switzerland where we will be serving a Records Preservation Mission for 18 months.