....in the year 1911, a committee was formed to save the city. For one franc, one
could purchase a house for 99 years. However, you had to restore it. Slowly the
city come back to life. It now has over 1100 residents and gets over 400,000
visitors a year. Several movies have been made here, "The Three Musketeers"
staring Michael York in 1973, is one of them. Perouges was largely inhabited
by craftsmen by the twelfth century. The population was mainly comprised
of linen weavers and farmers. In perhaps the most notable single act in the
history of Perouges France, Seigneur d’Anthon closed in the population of
the walled settlement to defend against the troops of the Archbishop of Lyon
in 1167. This is notable and impressive because it was not 70 years
later that Perouges had earned communal freedom (1236).